About Me

Updated May 9, 2013

Family-wise, I am a mother to two-year-old Derek and infant Kristen and wife to Benny.  I have three siblings, Beatrice, Cedric and Dudon, who may live far but are always close to my heart.  With the grace of God my parents, Daisy and Albert, have raised us to be functioning adults! =P

Work-wise, I have been a Starbucks barista, junior law clerk, receptionist/office clerk, children's pastor and most recently, a Starbucks barista again.  I believe God still wants me to be a pastor in the future - I still have the desire to turn hearts towards him with humour, vulnerability and theological pondering - but as one reverend said to me while I was on my first maternity leave, anyone else can pastor a congregation but no one else can replace me as a mother.  I still struggle with that but believe I have made the right choice.  Perhaps I'll post about that one day. =)

Initially, I wanted to "share my thoughts mainly on motherhood, pastoring, and women in the church, hopefully challenging the status quo not necessarily to instigate change but to help us at least gain a fuller understanding of why things are the way they are and, if those things are not godly, to find a way to change it!"  I'll be honest with you though, it's not easy to blog theologically with a mommy brain and while mothering two young kids!  Hopefully I'll post more in that direction in the future but for now, this blog is more of an outlet to thoughts I just have to write down.  If you'd like to hear from me about anything, feel free to drop me a line.  I write better when asked a question or posed a topic. Reflex from my essaying days, I guess!

I do have two other blogs which are more focused but fairly new.  They are:

www.mommyblahsblahg.blogspot.ca - Sharing what I've learned and discovered to help other parents find their footing in the plethora of considerations which children come with.

www.TDotParents.blogspot.ca - Helping Toronto parents with the ins and outs of getting around on the subway and locating nursing/family rooms at malls.  I need help gathering info for this one so please send me your tips!

My interests are in cosmetics - hair and makeup - The Simpsons Tapped Out game app, historical fiction, Sudoku, and family ministry.  My latest activity to try is Modpodging.

Networks I Belong To

Specktra.net - BlahWah
Great resource for all things MAC!  Look up previous released, upcoming collections and get inspired by how others have used a spectrum of eyeshadows, lipsticks, glosses and more.

Makeupalley.com - Blahble
I love to look up reviews for anything cosmetic here.  From Covergirl to Burberry, from nail polish to perfumes, almost anything that helps improve our hair, skin and otherwise can be found here with thoughts from an extensive global membership.

eBay.ca - mrsblahwah
I used to be more active on eBay when there were better deals and less fakes.  I do search from time to time for used clothes.

Facebook.com - Ada Wang
Do I really need to explain Facebook?  Please note that I'll only be "friends" with people I've actually met or have been introduced, virtually or in person, by someone I already know.