Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Burberry Beauty: Summer 2013 products and (some) swatch

Sorry I don't have any descriptions right now but my brain isn't functioning much.  I'm just glad I finally got the pictures up!  Hope to update before the end of this week.  Enjoy in the meantime!


  1. Thanks for the Fresh Glow swatches. I don't think this collection has arrived in the U.S. yet.. I haven't seen it anywhere. It is quite strange to see it pop up in Canada first. I hope you'll post more swatches in the future.

    1. Someone on Specktra mentioned that it should be part of the Nordstrom Anniversary sale but haven't heard any updates. Not many are interested in the Splash Palettes which are nice-to-haves but not that necessary, especially if you've got tons of MAC (paint pots can suffice). I'll try to do some comparisons of the palettes to other shadows and the Golden Radiance to other bronzey things I have. Today would have been great but the kiddos decided to barely nap, usurping my me-time!
